Capital Partners’ project design strategy includes a customized version of these strategic steps:
Listen and Learn
Map the Strategic Context
Create a Theory of Change
Policy and Fiscal Analysis and Research
Policy Design and Development
Strategic Planning
Strategic Advocacy and Communication
Managing and Scaling Change
Capital Partners’ clients lead organizations that have strong state policy links and the need for an effective strategy to shape and advance important organizational priorities. Leading examples of client policy interest areas include: education, health care and economic and enterprise growth.
Capital Partners understands the importance of a strategic vision and an innovative, value-oriented organizational culture. A culture that understands costs and benefits and empowers teams to get results with the knowledge that “none of us is as smart as all of us.” Our team also understands the power of redesigning systems to improve outcomes.
We also know that organizations rarely cut or spend their way to success – making innovation, collaboration, creativity and productivity improvement essential priorities for our clients and ourselves.